Female Fridays : Erika Tamayo

This week we chat to Erika Tamayo, founder of protein brand Hemosa.  Her idea was to re-define the experience of protein shakes. To rise above the sea of sameness, focussing on taste to create the most delicious, smoothest protein shake - one that, for once, you actually look forward to drinking.

1) What inspired you to start your business?

I always knew I was made to be an entrepreneur. I was just looking for the right opportunity. HERMOSA was a product that already existed, but only to supply the Fuel Bar at Barry’s UK. Customers fell so in love with the product that they started to beg to have it at home. I realised the demand was there and that was the perfect opportunity for me to have my own business so I approached Barry’s UK to lead the project and here we are!

2) What have been your greatest challenges ?

When you are in charge of a business, every day brings its ups and downs. The challenge for me has been constantly trying to remind myself that the hard work will always pay off. In terms of specifics, the packaging world has always been a great challenge! Also, always striving to be a sustainable brand isn’t easy.

3)  What have been your greatest rewards?

Watching anyone try HERMOSA for the first time - it’s like a magical moment. People instantly love it so much and come back again and again.

4) What advice would you give to your younger self?

Just go for it, you don’t need to know it all. We all learn on the way.

5) What advice would you give young, female entrepreneurs?

Always have your ears open for people’s advice, but take it with a pinch of salt. Believe in yourself and make the decisions based on what you think would be right for your business. Nobody knows your product as well as you do. Nobody puts as much passion into making things happen. Remember, if you had an idea and made it happen, you’re already in the minority so believe in yourself!

6) What’s your vision for the future of your business?

HERMOSA isn’t just protein, HERMOSA is a wellness company that helps customers live their best HERMOSA lives, that is always what we have in mind as we evolve.