Flavia Stuttgen: Housebound With Children

Since lockdown, many of us have had to change our lifestyles completely. Has your routine with your children changed?

Completely! My Kids were normally in bed by 7.30pm Monday to Friday even during School Holidays! I was (still am) a creature of ROUTINE when it came to my Kids but I have had to lower my expectations :-) and choose my battles!

Do you feel more pressure as a parent in the current situation? For example, keeping routine, home schooling or explaining why we can’t go outside.

More pressure, 150% regarding the Home Schooling as you want to be the perfect Teachers for your Kids but after one week I realised it’s ok not to be perfect! We are just Parents...

Has the lockdown impacted your mental health? How are you trying to stay positive?

Actually I am a really positive person and I think it’s a blessing to be able to stay home with your family and create memories out of this really strange and terrible situation.

What would your advice be to parents who may be struggling with their mental health during the lockdown?

Take at least 1 hour for yourself EVERY SINGLE DAY to reconnect and refocus! It’s mandatory to be able to stay sane during the lockdown.

Are there any ‘pros’ to staying at home?

Pros, definitely! To be able to do all the things you want to do in normal time! Like cooking for example! I never had time to cook before (because we live such busy lives in London) and I really enjoy doing it now!

Are you finding time for self-care? If so, how?

Yes!  Have this 1 hour for myself everyday when my Husband is fully in charge of the Kids! It’s generally mainly beauty related! As in “Normal Time” I don’t even find the window (because I am spending too much on my phone) for a bath and DISCONNECT!

What is your go-to activity when you have ‘me time’?

A BATH with Million of Bubbles and every single face mask i can put on!

How are you keeping your children entertained?

I am lucky they are 6 & 8 now so anything that is Art & Craft related! They could play hours with KAPLA! If you leave them alone without an Ipad they will always work their imagination and entertain themselves.

If your family life during lockdown was a movie title, what would it be?

DADDY DAY CARE one of my daughters favourite Film and because my husband has stepped in like never before! So accurate!
