How To Protect Your Spirit While Travelling

Travelling, solo or with people, can be daunting at the best of times. There's so much to consider - whether that be flights, accommodation, travel insurance and oh yes, protecting your spirit. We'd say that, arguably, this is one of the most important things.  

 Feeling safe and secure while travelling is imperative. And if you're a little superstitious like us, you'll know that sometimes objects can protect us. Crystals, angel numbers, sage... Does this all ring a bell? That's why we've curated a list of our favourite products that we'd take abroad if we were solo travelling to help protect us and our energy as best as possible.

You've got the travel bug. It's okay, we all do. But maybe you want to make sure that your trip is even more special than it already is. Angel numbers - we see them for a reason. Travelling abroad presents us change and new opportunities (angel number 11), it's a given! So, why not enhance them further by wearing one of our beautiful Talis Chains necklaces that sport those exact numbers on them? The 18 carat gold, plated on brass, lobster clasp pendant is the ultimate life-enhancer, all the while looking beautiful around anyone's neck.

 When you're travelling, you want to feel connected to the place, not isolated and alone. 

To help with that, we suggest our T Balance Calm, Balance and Sunshine bracelets. 

 The Balance and Calm bracelets consist of Aventurine - a heart healer. It dissolves negative emotions and thoughts and brings in a sense of well-being and emotional calm. This is especially wonderful if you are travelling alone. 

Whereas, the Sunshine bracelet consists of Citrine. A powerful cleanser and regenerator, carrying the energy of the sun. It energises every level of life and is a stone of abundance. It’s wonderful for enhancing motivation and self confidence while also beneficial for overcoming depression and fears.


Don't want to wear crystal jewellery all of the time? Emma Lucy Rocks has your back with her Malachite, Rose Quartz and Amazonite crystals trio.

 The queen of hearts, the rose quartz, is here to help you on the path to your heart's desires. She'll help you find a gentle and loving way to clear out all the obstacles that have been holding you back from achieving what you want. And then the malachite will come along and race up behind her, clearing away all that has persisted in your life by creating a no prisoners held vibration. The amazonite will plant seeds of future growth, freeing you from your past so that you can move forward into the next chapter of your life. All these crystals are there for you when you need them—so don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help! The perfect crystal cocktail for your next trip.