Top Tips On Detoxing Your Wardrobe

Tis’ the season for a wardrobe detox. Some people have super organised wardrobes that get a thorough sort out at the end of each season. Others, however, do not. If you’re guilty of owning a wardrobe that resembles a TK Maxx yard sale, then you may want to take our handy tips on detoxing your wardrobe.
Try It On
Many of us have plenty of clothes to our name. But how many can say that they know everything in their wardrobe fits and/or suits them? Valuable space could be taken up by items that are working against you. It is a good idea to take everything you are unsure of out of your wardrobe and try it on. If it looks good, great! If not, wave goodbye. You might be surprised how many ill-fitting items you own…
Be Ruthless
That sweater that you’ve kept for the last 10 years but have never worn? Bite the bullet and get rid. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. If you’re in the wardrobe detox game for the long run, a great way to see what you really wear is to start with all your coat hanger hooks facing towards you. Every time you wear an item, turn the hook so it is facing away from you. This way, by the end of the year you’ll know which items have contributed the least to your outfits and most to your cluttered wardrobe. But being harsh doesn’t mean you have to be wasteful. Any unwanted clothes can be sold, given to charity or recycled.
Keep Your Wardrobe Seasonal
If it’s January, you probably won’t be wearing that cute strappy summer dress you bought last year. Before you panic, we don’t mean you have to bin all your hot weather wear just because it’s cold outside. During the winter months, try packing all your summer staples into your suitcase and visa versa. Your wardrobe will appear much tidier and you might even have enough room to squeeze in a few new purchases. Once the season is over, switch your wardrobe back so every item is 100% weather appropriate. This is definitely worth the effort if you have a small wardrobe with lots of cramped clothes.