After choosing a path that enabled him to embrace his passion for wellness, expertise in nutrition and years of experience working internationally in everything beauty and wellness related with major corporations such as Procter & Gamble and Boots, Marcelo Bravo created Ellactiva. The journey of resetting and re-balancing his life proved to be the personal driver behind the decision to found a pharmaceutical company to specialise in drug reformulation and nutraceuticals, creating authentic wellness solutions with real and proven benefits. Indeed this is where the story of Ellactiva® for life began. Through Ellactiva®, Marcelo’s quest is to encourage people to adopt a totally holistic approach to wellness and personal fulfilment – to be the best they can be, irrespective of age. This was the driving force behind the Research and Development (R&D) process of Ellactiva®, centring on Marcelo’s foresight to develop and patent a unique soft chew technology. One that allowed delivery of nutraceuticals, minerals and vitamins with improved bioavailability. Indeed this technology is at the very heart of the advanced Ellactiva® Collagen& range.
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